Safe Security Bag
TamperSTOP™-Safe Security Bags (High-level Security Closure)

TamperSTOP™ Safe Security Bags
feature easy-to-use, in-line, leak-
proof closure seals that provide the
highest-level of security, protect your
valuables against from all known
methods of tamper attacks, such as
mechanical, thermal and chemical-
based tampering.


●The most secure, effective, and
efficient way to secure money.
●High-tech tamper-evidence tech-
nology for high risk applications.
●Heat-resistant, Freeze-proof,
Sal iva-soluble closure system.
●Extremely durable welding seam.
●High-resolution bar code.
●Tearing-off receipt.
Ideal for:

●Bank, and insurance companies.
●Authorities, e.g. police & customs.
●Transport of money and valuables.
●Top-secret documents.
●Pharmaceutical field.
●Casino, hotel.

  The white color of STAR will change to blue if heat tampering, and security hidden messages (“STOP”) will appear if ambient/freeze tampering. Saliva-soluble ink covered with the closure will disappear when chemical-based tampering.