How to use in practice
The leaky pipe is filled with inert gas (5 Vol.% hydrogen and 95 Vol.% nitrogen). This gas is commercially available and, in addition to the low price, has the advantage that it is neither combustible nor poisonous. Its use is thus completely safe. As the smallest element, hydrogen has the property of leaking from even the smallest pinhole. Because hydrogen is significantly lighter than air, it migrates upwards and is located above the leak by the bell probe. At the same time, hydrogen also passes through soil, flooring, concrete and screed.
As the smallest element, hydrogen has the property of leaking from even the smallest pinhole. Because hydrogen is significantly lighter than air, it migrates upwards and is located above the leak by the bell probe. At the same time, hydrogen also passes through soil, flooring, concrete and screed.
The location of the strongest concentration of hydrogen is easily determined using a concentration indicator on the display of the measurement device. Depending on the actual concetration and situation it is possible to use different scales and sensors. One scale is for very low concentrations (0 … 1.000 ppm H2) and one is for pinpointing (0 … 5% H2). With this important feature it is possible to avoid a temporary contamination of the high sensitive sensor. User of devices with only one (sensitive) sensor need to wait in this case for minutes until getting a useful signal again or can even damage the sensor.

- First sensor: Extremely quick response on smallest hydrogen concentrations. Specialized for hydrogen with a resolution of 0,1 ppm H2
- Second sensor: to protect the first sensor and used for higher concentrations e.g. pinpointing in pinholes
- Integrated powerful pump for a high flow and under pressure