Shore Durometer NOVOTEST TS-A

Shore Durometer NOVOTEST TS-A

The Shore Durometer is one of the modern non-destructive testing instruments for measuring of the hardness value of different materials at the workshops and laboratories. This device can be used at the radio instruments industry, mechanical engineering and other areas of modern industry.

Shore Durometer NOVOTEST TS-A complies to: ISO-7619 and ISO-868, DIN53505, ASTM D2240 and JIS K7215.

Soft plastic, printed circuit boards, glass, elastomers, fibers, soft rubber, leather, resin, wax, neoprin, butyl, silicone, vinyl are typical testing materials for Shore Durometer. The principle of determining the hardness value of materials is based on the calculation the value of material’s resistance to the penetration of the indenter with a preset load.


Shore Durometer NOVOTEST TS-A has two versions, A and D.

Shore Durometer A is designed for testing the following materials: soft rubber, elastomers, silicone, neoprin, vinyl, butyl, nitrile, soft plastics, leather, wax, etc.

Shore Durometer D is designed for testing products from rubber, resin, glass, PCB, fibers, plastics, etc.

Measurement range, Shore scale from 0 to 100
Interval of scale indicator, Shore scale 1,0
Measurement accuracy ± 1,0 scale division
Dimensions, mm 115*60*25
Weight, kg, no more 0,5