E.ON Ruhrgas AG Essen had a study carried out, entitled: „Studies on improving the localisation of leakages in cohesive grounds under closed surfaces“
Two points are highlighted in the summary of the report:
- The Esders Vakumobil has a markedly improved suction power compared to conventional technology.
- The low pressure in the surface generated by one suction probe has an impact over several metres. This creates only a movement or distortion of the gas accumulation but not there elimination.
We would like to use these new findings in order to make our well-rated suction system more effective for you. We have developed new probes for this, which can be fed deeper into the ground and absorb gas with a better tightness to the surrounding and greater vacuum. With a suitable distribution hose and adapter, three or more suction probes can be connected to the Vakumobil in order to get the required simultaneous and steady evacuation. Thus, a symmetrical connection is important in order to get the same low pressures in all locations.